Since the adoption of Operation Round Up by McKenzie Electric (MEC) membership in 1998, $251,985 has been distributed throughout the MEC service area to individuals with medical costs, to civic and charitable organizations to help with their projects, and to schools and parks to upgrade equipment, and to ambulance and rescue departments to buy new and necessary equipment.
Rural people have long known that when you work together, you can accomplish almost anything. This was true when those who lived outside the areas served by investor-owned utilities banded together to form rural electric cooperatives and bring a new and better life to those who farmed and ranched. That attitude of people pulling together is still alive today and it still works. At the 53rd annual meeting of McKenzie Electric Cooperative in 1998, the members voted to implement the Operation Roundup program.
This program is voluntary for members of MEC. Those who choose to take part have their monthly bills rounded up to the nearest dollar and the difference is put into a fund that is managed by a board of local co-op members to benefit area people and organizations. For example, If your July MEC bill is $46.79 the bill is rounded up to $47.00. The 21 cents goes into Operation Round Up. The most a member would ever contribute in a year would be $11.88. It doesn't seem like a big amount, but since most of the co-op's members have chosen to participate, it adds up. If a member wishes to be exempt from this program they can simply call MEC and have their name removed.
Twice a year, applications are submitted to the Operation Roundup board which is made up of co-op members from each district within the co-op. They meet and review the applications and distribute funds.
McKenzie Electric Cooperative is proud to be able to harness the generosity of our members and prove that working together to help someone or to reach a goal never goes out of style.
For a copy of the Operation Round Up Bylaws, please contact Member Services at 701-444-6723
Applications can be mailed, dropped off, or emailed to aspratta@mckenzieelectric.com
Please follow the instructions provided in the application form and the following
guidelines in the link below to ensure your application is complete. Incomplete applications will be denied for funding.